package main import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "" "log" "net/http" "os" "os/signal" "" "" ) func CheckHttpErr(err error, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, code int) bool { if err != nil { HttpErr(w, r, code) log.Printf("err: %v: HTTP %d: %s %s\n", err, code, r.Method, r.URL.Path) return true } return false } var HttpErrs = map[int]string{ 401: "Unauthorized: You must log in to access this page.", 403: "Forbidden: You do not have permission to access this page.", 404: "Not found: the requested page does not exist. Please check the URL and try again.", 500: "Internal server error: the server encountered an error while processing your request. Please try again later.", } func HttpErr(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, code int) { w.WriteHeader(code) var ErrTxt string if t, ok := HttpErrs[code]; ok { ErrTxt = t } else { ErrTxt = "An error occurred. Please try again later." } data := template.Data("An error occurred", fmt.Sprintf("%d: %s", code, ErrTxt)) data.Set("ErrText", ErrTxt) data.Set("ErrCode", code) err := template.Use(w, r, "err", data) if err != nil { log.Printf("error writing error page: %v", err) } } func HttpIndex(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if r.URL.Path != "/" { HttpErr(w, r, 404) return } d, err := GetPageData("index") if CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500) { return } err = template.Use(w, r, "index", d) _ = CheckHttpErr(err, w, r, 500) } func HttpFS(path, fspath string) { http.Handle(path, http.StripPrefix(path, http.FileServer(http.Dir(fspath)))) } func main() { OpenDB() err := template.Init(config.Templates) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Error initializing templates: %v", err) } http.HandleFunc("/", HttpIndex) http.HandleFunc("/blog/", BlogHandler) HttpFS("/static/", config.StaticPath) http.HandleFunc("/media/", MediaHandler) // HttpFS("/media/", config.MediaPath) server := http.Server{Addr: config.ListenAddr, Handler: nil} go func() { err = server.ListenAndServe() if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) { log.Fatalf("Error starting server: %v", err) } }() sigchan := make(chan os.Signal) signal.Notify(sigchan, unix.SIGINT, unix.SIGTERM, unix.SIGQUIT, unix.SIGKILL, unix.SIGSTOP) s := <-sigchan println("stopping: got signal", s.String()) err = server.Shutdown(context.Background()) if err != nil { log.Println("Error stopping server: %v", err) } CloseDB() println("stopped") }