/* * SEKS: Secrets Encrypted Kept Safe */ package main import ( "crypto/rand" "crypto/sha256" "fmt" "golang.org/x/crypto/nacl/secretbox" "seks/sopHex" ) func ran() []byte { var b [32]byte _, err := rand.Reader.Read(b[:]) if err != nil { panic(err) } return b[:] } func main() { // NaCl crypto_box symmetric encryption // Make a bbolt database // Add buckets for categories of secrets // User makes a password for each bucket passwd := []byte("TestPassword") salt := ran() hash := sha256.New() hash.Write(passwd) hash.Write(salt) var key [32]byte copy(key[:], hash.Sum(nil)) var nonce = [24]byte(ran()[0:24]) salt = append(salt[:], nonce[:]...) message := []byte("I like to eat apples and bananas. However, I do not like to eat oranges. Cars can drive!") encrypted := secretbox.Seal(nil, message, &nonce, &key) fmt.Println(sopHex.Marshall(encrypted)) /* deNonce := [24]byte(encrypted[0:24]) decrypted, boolEnlon := secretbox.Open(nil, encrypted[24:], &deNonce, &key) if boolEnlon != true { fmt.Println("OOPS") return } fmt.Println(string(decrypted)) */ }