> quickstat
9631e69 sophuwu 27 Aug 2023 Sun, 27 Aug 2023 13:41:04 +0100

-Added error handling to show errors and still display the rest of the information -Added functionaliy for amd processors to get temperatures -modified error check to print more detailed errors when -d flag provided -modified round funtion to not round ints, but just pass them through -made funtion that takes ints and floats and checks error code and prints appropriate output

e4253ce sophuwu 27 Aug 2023 Sun, 27 Aug 2023 11:05:05 +0100

updated git ignore to ignore the old binary, big update coming.

1cf2f8f sophuwu 27 Aug 2023 Sun, 27 Aug 2023 10:44:26 +0100

added project to git